
photo of a flower

We have answers to gardening questions

The Horticulture Team covers a wide range of specialties and expertise from soil to trees, water quality to plant health, and every insect in between.  We are researchers; we are teachers; we are community minded individuals who have a common goal of improving the environment and enriching quality of life. As Extension Agents, Educators and Specialists we strive to bring the research results of the University to the residents of Wisconsin to use in their own yards, gardens and communities.


  • Answers to gardening questions
  • General Master Gardener Volunteer Training
  • Educational Programs for the general public
  • Educational Programs for members of the Green Industry
  • Local Foods Programming
  • School garden training and assistance
  • Home composting
  • and much more!

Rent a Garden

woman-gardeningFor urban residents who do not have a place to garden, the garden plot rental program provides an opportunity to grow nutritious food, save grocery money, enjoy some exercise and share family traditions. To learn more about renting a garden, visit the Garden Rental web site or contact the garden rental assistant at 414-256-4606 or

Accessible Gardening

agriculture-columns-1Since 1995, Extension Urban Agriculture staff have been teaching gardeners with physical and developmental limitations the joy and techniques of gardening. We train clients and caregivers at our innovative accessible demonstration garden and adjacent greenhouse. For more information about accessible gardening or to arrange a tour, contact…

Organic MicroFarming

food preparation photo

The Shoots n’ Roots Urban MicroFarm Training program teaches small scale vegetable growing, using research-based organic practices and results from the Organic Learning Center MicroFarm project. Participants learn organic methods to increase their food production on a small scale to supplement their family’s food budget or to begin farming businesses. For more information, visit the Organic MicroFarming web page.

For more information on a variety of horticulture topics visit the Wisconsin Horticulture website.

For in person assistance, please contact:

el-luther-profile-picture E.L Luther

Horticulture educator focusing on gardening, local foods, and composting.
