Community Development

street-signsUniversity of Wisconsin-Extension educational programs in Community, Natural Resource and Economic Development (CNRED) help Wisconsin communities deal with their own unique challenges. These include:

  • Comprehensive Planning Initiatives
  • Natural resource and water quality issues
  • Invasive species issues
  • Local government operations and finance
  • Economic development including labor force issues
  • Community decision-making and leadership development

Backed by University of Wisconsin research, CNRED educators work with local governments, civic organizations, businesses and community leaders to help people identify critical local concerns, set goals and work on solutions.


First Impressions

Volunteers from two somewhat similar communities (size, location, county seat, etc.) agree to do unannounced exchange visits and then report on their findings. Participants become “secret shoppers” for the day to discover what they can about their sister city. They follow procedures

and reporting guidelines in a fully developed “Exchange Team Members Guide Booklet”, which is copied for each participant. The guide helps insure that the evaluations and reports are thorough and somewhat uniform and minimize the training of volunteers.

Print materials for the program are available on the web for download along with additional resources on our first impressions website.

Wisconsin Housing and Foreclosure Data

The Wisconsin Housing and Foreclosure Data program offers updates on foreclosure rates within the housing market.  It also presents controversial topics such as whether foreclosed houses should be torn down, and how housing affects the community.  For the latest information, visit our dedicated website.

Economic Snapshot

The Center for Community Economic Development staff in conjunction with Wisconsin State Journal writes a weekly Economic Snapshot article printed in the Sunday Business Section. Browse the snapshots by topic to see a brief outlook on how a specific sector of the economy is doing at this time.   For the latest information, visit our dedicated website.

Contact Us

For more information about any of the above topics or for answers to any questions you may have contact our agriculture specialist.

el-luther-profile-picture E.L Luther

CNRED educator focusing on improving his community.
